Notes while reading ‘Philosophy and Foundation of Mathematics’ by Marsigit

This is not an ordinary review in any sense, but rather an exploration in consciousness. It might be something similar to what is often called a 'trip journal', to take a term from advanced users of psychedelics. I am sitting up late at night, after a long day of good food mixed with light workout … Continue reading Notes while reading ‘Philosophy and Foundation of Mathematics’ by Marsigit

How to Continuously Strike Knowledge Gold!

or diamonds, or platinum, or whatever word pointing to the most valuable material we can conceive of. What am I talking about? I am talking about having a common-place book (or CPB as I like to abbreviate it). I recently regained access to the one I created it using OneNote 2016 on the after taking … Continue reading How to Continuously Strike Knowledge Gold!

A magical game world by a mining mastermind (interview)

"A pen and paper is all we needto win our battlesand craft our creedto leave us speechless soft and tenderwhile we wait for Minecraft to render"— AvionPhoton Today we are interviewing Avión Photon, the creator of the Minecraft Survival World b³O, pronounced 'be-three-O'. Let's see what lurks inside this creative innovative mind. How did b³O … Continue reading A magical game world by a mining mastermind (interview)

Notes reading ‘Thoughts on Art and Life’ by Leonardo da Vinci

After reading Leonardo's opinions on beauty as superiorly expressed and experienced by the eye than the ears, the reason being that it is not subject to a span of time during which the experiencer forgets what has been experienced (something I do not agree on) I pose the following questions as an invitation to explore … Continue reading Notes reading ‘Thoughts on Art and Life’ by Leonardo da Vinci